Welcome to Sun & Moon QiGong
Inhale... Exhale... Smile...
What Is QiGong? ("chee-gong")
QiGong (aka Chi-Gong) is "Mindfulness in Motion"- the art of moving meditation that integrates breath, gentle flowing movements, and positive intentions. It is an ancient Chinese practice that shares its roots with Tai Chi, and mirrors the movements of nature to help restore balance & harmony in our lives.
Qi ("Chi") is our life-force energy, our 'aliveness'. And Gong means skill or practice. So, QiGong is the art of working to create, improve, circulate, and transform our energy!
QiGong is a personal & unique journey where we connect with our inner power to create more relaxation, peace of mind, and resilience... just to name a few benefits. And it's fun for all ages & fitness levels- movements & flows can easily be adapted & modified to meet your individual needs.
QiGong offers so many different benefits, and many of my students come to class for different reasons. I encourage you to make this your own, and take whatever layers you want or need from each class. That may even look different depending on the day. I appreciate you joining me & I hope you discover something to like & connect with.

Offerings & Announcements
Local Group Classes! £7 per person*
*Students under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Bracecamp Hall, Ormesby St Margaret
NR29 3QB
Tuesdays at 4:30pm
Caister Community Centre / Social Club on Beach Road (Community Room 1) NR30 5ER
Wednesdays at 7pm
Starting in FEBRUARY:
Martham Village Hall, White Street (Pearson Room *Use Back Entrance: Dark Green Door) NR29 4PG
Mondays 10:15am and 11:45am
Great Yarmouth: Marina Centre**
Marine Parade NR30 2ER:​
Fridays 12 noon
Saturdays 11:20am
**Marina Centre prices are in line with mine, and you can book any class without membership. All sign-ups & payments for Marina Centre classes need to be done through them directly; my loyalty cards & discount vouchers will not apply at this venue.
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Check out the "Calendar" Tab for the full class schedule, including Online Zoom Classes, and details on package-pricing discounts!
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Ask me about Corporate Wellness Classes - Gift your employees a relaxing break where they can learn easy & fun exercises to stretch cramped muscles, shake off stress, improve circulation... and breathe...
(all Corporate Wellness Classes include a free Zoom consultation, to plan & personalize your session)
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Winter is a time go inward and reflect… to connect with the voice within ourselves…Listen... Observe… Process… Adjust as needed…
Join me to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week with a FREE online class on Sunday 9th at 4pm (11am USA). This session will focus on strengthening loving kindness in the heart and generosity of spirit! Please email me to sign up and you’ll receive the invite the day before the event.